
Jewelry Summer Line 2014

Jewelry Available Now (Non 504)

Custom Order For Mary ….

These are custom pieces I did for my childhood friend Mary, of her late father’s signature.   She ordered 6 last Christmas… when her mom saw them she wanted one as well!   Mary, the good daughter that she is, gave the one off her neck!

The first heart you see is the “replacement” heart.  I can’t describe what a joy it was making these wonderfully personal and sentimental custom pieces.

Silver Jewelry Diamond 504 Tag SOLD

Silver Jewelry Shield 504 Tag SOLD

Silver Jewelry Rectangle 504 Tag SOLD

Jewelry: “Shotgun House” SOLD

My friend  looked at it and she said “how much is ‘Shotgun house?’  ”
And said what?  And she said “Shotgun House.”

I looked at it … and it DID  look like a shotgun house!
I put a fluer d lis on it … it reminds me of New Orleans,


A lot of my pieces are from the love and joy i feel in this city and state.


(It kinda looks like a streetcar too, but I’m gonna call it shotgun house.)


Oyster with Pelican SOLD